lissa treger - gestalt, couples, spiritual trauma therapist in Boulder, Colorado

Hi, I’m Lissa.

I work with individuals & couples in Boulder and online throughout Colorado.

I provide creative relational space for mindfulness, somatic and experiential psychotherapy, encouraging healthy attachment and expanded self-awareness.  

You’re here because a part of you is wanting (and ready) to change. 

You woke up one day and realized your life wasn’t at all what you expected or hoped for.

What’s more, you are not sure exactly how you arrived at this point. Or you may know but you could not seem to stop your trajectory.

Your inner critic bellows at you for not “holding it together” better.  You try avoiding the voice but it just gets louder and more frequent.

You yearn for deep, meaningful relationships; or something to ease the depth of loneliness you feel. 

But vulnerability can be terrifying. You may have learned the hard way, that it’s not (always) safe.

You hear a voice inside you wanting to be heard, to be free. Freedom and ease is a human right.

That’s where I come in. 

With accurate empathy, intelligent love, and a little patience, we will identify things you may be missing that will help you move through the anxiety and self-protections of trauma, toward living in resilience, curiosity, strength, and the deeper knowing that you are here for a reason.

Are you ready to understand what a liberated life feels like, in ease and connection to yourself and others — but have no idea where to start?

This space is for you.


Therapist + Psychedelic Practitioner

Services in English & ASL

I help adults and couples live into their life experiences through self-exploration and the liberation that depth in connection to others brings.

lissa treger - gestalt, couples, spiritual trauma therapist in Boulder, Colorado

I am here as a fellow traveler to work with you in collaboration.

Therapy with me is not about “fixing” anything, because there is nothing wrong with you.

Instead, I’m here to help you feel and know yourself deeply. Using somatic healing modalities, we’ll move experiences of grief and trauma through your nervous system so that you no longer feel held back by past patterns. 

I believe that relationships are fundamental to healing, and I take seriously the honor of being in relationship with you, as your therapist. Clients have my full attention and presence in our sessions. 

People tell me that I make them feel at home.

Some are surprised by how quickly they feel the care and connection in our work together. 

Clients respond to my honesty. I’ll always be real with you, telling you what I see – identifying connections you may not notice; or an energy shift in the room – so that you can see yourself clearly, too.

I will hold you accountable for the things others may not and reassure you when things feel challenging.  

And finally, I welcome humor and deep sadness alike. We might laugh quite a bit in our sessions. I don’t believe that therapy has to look a particular way or that we need to be serious all the time. 

Which is to say: Who you are, exactly as you are, is welcome here.

I hope you’ll feel right at home.

These values guide my work.

tabby cat lying on stone bench




mountain landscape with "ha ha ha" text over it


You can soar in life; it’s a matter of how you would like to fly.

Begin your healing journey today.



  • Mindfulness and Contemplative Use in Therapy

  • Somatic Abolitionism with Resmaa Menakem

  • Authentic Movement Therapies

  • Trauma-Informed Yoga

  • PACT Level 1: Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy

  • IFS Circle Training

  • Nature-Based Therapy

With a skilled ally, you can grow through challenges – by understanding and healing the beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you.

I can’t wait to support you.